An Affordable Approach to the Design/Build of Sustainable, High-Mass HomesOUR MISSION
Our mission is to further the sustainability of life by providing a technology that is affordable, easy to build, aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.

The FORM FREE™ Building System uses poured earth, a soil cement technology that creates high mass earthen walls with a much lower environmental impact than its conventional predecessor, the portland cement wall.

The FORM FREE™ Building System requires minimal skilled labor and can be built in a fraction of the time that conventional form-based methods require. This creates huge savings by reducing labor costs.

The FORM FREE™ Building System is the perfect building technology for countries in search of a method that enables them to easily construct quality homes and buildings using local materials and labor.
Challenge How to make high-mass walls more affordable?
Solutions FORM FREE™ Building System
The affordability of the holistic FORM FREE™ BUIILDING SYSTEM is based upon two innovative processes:
Why is a FORM FREE™ Home a Better Investment?
Net Zero Ready
A FORM FREE™ home is built to the highest energy efficient standards, with the addition of a Photovoltaic system, your home will reduce energy costs to zero or less! *
Reduces yearly maintenance costs
The average home in the U.S. requires over $3,000 in maintenance costs each year! A FORM FREE™ home requires very little maintenance.
Built to Last for Generations
A traditional, stick-built home is more subject to elements and degredation with age. FORM FREE™ building materials stand the test of time.
*The average home in the U.S. requires approximately $3,000 in energy costs each year.
Spread the Word
In order to truly open the design/build market, the developments of the Form Free™ Building system need to be expanded to create a new culture of independent, multi-skilled and accountable building professionals.
Through our Training, Certification & Licensing Program, we will do just that!